Thursday, April 5, 2007

It's a....

For all you suckers that voted BOY, hang your heads in shame. Apparently M is slightly psychic, and my mother-to-be super-senses were all correct: We're having a girl!!

The ultrasound went really well overall. The technician took all kinds of measurements while Weeble moved around like a sneaky little fish. I suppose the 5 glasses of orange juice and honey toast I had for breakfast may have had something to do with how hopped up she was. The really good news is that everything looks normal and she is healthy, weighing approximately 13 ounces (making M the closest guesser - must he get everything right?).

The whole process lasted no more than 20 minutes, and finally the technician asked if we'd like her to try and find out the baby's gender. Once she had the emphatic go-ahead, it didn't take long at all. A push here, a click there, and voila! "It looks like you have a little girl."

I know I said I would have been happy with a boy - and I truly, truly would have been. But when she said "little girl", I broke out in tears. I had known she was - I had known it when I first felt her move, when she suddenly became "she". So learning that she is, in fact, of the female persuasion confirmed for me like nothing else has so far that I know this baby, and that there is at least that much mother instinct in me.

And so now begins the big name-choosing expedition. Had it been a boy, the choice would have been pretty easy - I've known the boy name I would want to use ever since we started discussing the possibility of children. But the field of potential girl names is much, much broader. When we do pick, it'll be the one piece we keep to ourselves until she's born (just try to pry it out of us), but I have the feeling it'll take a while to decide anyway. M and I may have known she was a girl, but we still don't know her name. Maybe we won't until we meet her in person.

And just for the record, I have informed M that I will not be paying him even though he is technically the winner of the $20 bet. I'll just put an extra $20 into the little girl's college fund in his name.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I must get everything's part of my charm. -m

Liz Jimenez said...

Woohoo, congratulations! I'm glad she looked great and all of the various limbs and organs were as they should be. Isn't it amazing?

I had a long list of girl names, as well, but we seem to keep coming back to the original name we talked about 4 years ago. And there's really only one boy name either of us care much for. But, like you, I'm holding onto that info for as long as I can!

Anonymous said...

Do I get to know the name ahead of time? I promise not to tell!!!
I cried when I read that you cried and can understand the feelings that you had right at that moment 100%. We must have a connection somehow that way!!!

'omie said...

Just heard about this Friday night - mucho congrats, kiddo!!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!!! (as you can see i'm a little behind)