Thursday, March 22, 2007

Baby's First Big Mac

I wasn't kidding yesterday when I said I had plans to go to McDonald's for lunch today. And so, Weeble enjoyed the first and only Big Mac he or she will ever have for as long as I can help it.

Sure, I feel guilty about the fat and sodium intake - and how McDonald's is NOT meant to be a balanced part of the pregnant lady's diet. And I feel bad about supporting the megalomaniac that is McDonald's in any way. But I tell you what: right now, as I continue to ride on the high of delicious fatty, salty goodness that comprises a Big Mac and fries... I am very happy.

Talk to me in about 20 minutes when the high starts to wane and I descend into a pit of despair over what I have put into my body and into the body of my poor defenseless child. Until then, live it up, Baby! Because I'm lovin' it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmmmm, big macs!